This year, 2020, became a COVID-19 affected year. Everything including our lives and business has affected by this virus. Also, mini volley activities got a lot of impact on games and events, as well as our daily practices. Since we restarted our practice, we have made kinds of efforts to prevent infection such as changing air, sanitizing hands, fingers, balls and other instruments,  keeping  social distance, and wearing masks.

In December, in Japan as a whole, we have more patients and more infectious variant issue. We need more countermeasures to tackle with this problem.

In deed, we can not stop enjoying mini volley as it is the center of our lives and fun! Although we need to change the play style of mini volley to adjust the new normal, we have many nice plays and more funny plays which make us laugh a lot and make us happy.

December 27th was the this year’s last mini volley practice day. Surprisingly,  Tetsuko, who moved to Iwate came to our practice! He gave us big laughs together with other regular guests and we enjoyed the last practice!!!\^^/


(Tetsuko’s upper half body is for Iwate life >o<)

Digest video of the practice is here! Please enjoy it and have a good new year. We will start our 2021 practice on January 10.Take care and have a happy and healthy new year! See you next year!